1. Networking Concepts
- How does Internet Work
- What is Network?
- What is IP and types?
- Internet working
- Domain Name
- Electronic Mail
- Architecture and Services
- Message Formats
- Ports and Types of Ports
- Introduction to Web Browser
2. Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security and overview
- Cybercrime scenario in India and worldwide
- Short description about hacking vs Ethical hacking
- Skill Profile of a Hacker
- Some Famous Hackers and Groups
- Cyber World
- Advantage and Disadvantage of Cyber world
- Types of Hackers
- Classes of Hacker
- Who is a Hacker
- Security Challenges
- Skills required for an Ethical Hacker
3. Overview of Cyber Law
- Introduction To Cyber Law
- Cyber Laws Indian
- Technical Aspect Of Indian Cyber Law
- IT ACT 2000 & 2008
- Internet Crimes And Frauds
- Cyber Law Cases In India
- Organization Under Cyber Laws
- Advantages Of Cyber Laws
4. Computer Virtualization technology & LAB setup
- Concept of virtualization technology
- Need & Advantage Of Virtualization
- Requirements for virtualization
- Creating virtual machines and optimization performance
- Installing OS (Windows and Linux) On Virtual Machines
- System Cloning
- Virtual networking what and why?
5. Information Gathering (Foot printing)
- What Is Information Gathering & Why Hackers Need This?
- Types Of Information Gathering
- Information Gathering Using Websites
- Information Gathering Using Software
- Search Engines- Smart Way Of Information Gathering Ping
- Who-is Lookup
- People Search
- DNS Lookup
- Benefits of Footprinting
6.Windows Hacking & Security
- Introduction Windows Security
- User Accounts Security, Attacks and countermeasure
- Hacking Into System by Changing Passwords
- Getting Access to System By Elevating Privileges
- Finding Out the Passwords Of Windows
- Bypassing the Windows Security
7. Data Recovery
8. Steganography & Cryptography
9. Desktop exploitation
10. Fake Calling and SMS
11. Mobile Phone Hacking
- Use of mobile in hacking
- Hidden function of mobile
- Rooting
- Password Cracking
12. Denial of Service Attack (DOS-Attack)
- What is a Denial of Service Attack?
- What is Distributed Denial of Service Attacks?
- DoS Attack Techniques
- Detail Study on DoS Attack Tools
13. Hacking by Viruses, Trojans, Keyloggers & Spywares
- What is virus?
- What is Trojan?
- Trojans/viruses Attack
- Different way a Trojan Can Get Into A System
- How Attacker Bypass Your Antivirus By Trojans
14. Proxy Server & Virtual Private Network (VPN) Technology
- Proxy And Types Of Proxies
- Why Hackers Use Proxy?
- How To Hide IP Address While Chatting
- How To Open Block Website In College/Companies
- Convert Your Machine As Proxy Server With HTTPS Proxy
- Advantage And Disadvantage Of Proxy
- Analyzing Proxy Bug
- How Proxy Hack Your Passwords Etc
- What Is Better Than Proxy
- What Is VPN?
- Why We Use VPN
- Advantage & Disadvantage Of VPN
- Free VPN
15. Google Hacking and Google Hacking Database
- Introduction and Working of Search Engines
- List of Common Search Engines on Web
- Comparing and Choosing Best Search Engine
- Google For Hacking Search Engines
- Finding Admin Pages and Weakness In Site
- Security against Search Engine Hacking
16. Email/Social Sites Hacking & Security Issues
- Analysis Email Attacks (Live Demo) Manually & Automatic
- Cookies Stealing (Session Hijacking) of All Big Mail Servers
- Phishing Attacks (Normal & Advanced)
- Analyzing Fake & Real Profiles & Email Accounts
- Fake Mailing Attack
- Email & Fake Profile Tracing
- Facebook Phishing Attacks
- Facebook Account security with Email & SMS Notifications
17. SQL Injection
- What is SQL Injection??
- SQL Injection Attacks
- How Web Applications Work?
- SQL Injection Detection
- Types of SQL Injection
- How to Defend Against SQL Injection Attacks??
18. Wireless Hacking
- Wireless Standards
- Common Vulnerabilities in Wireless Devices
- Encryption Standards Used in Wi-Fi
- WEP Cracking
- WA/WPA2 Cracking
- WPS Cracking
- Solve Security challenges
19. Linux Training
- use of linux
- Wi-Fi cracking & security
- Pentesting(Site Cloning)
- Network find
- Cookies Grabbing
- DNS Hacking (Server hacking)
- What is DNS??
- DNS Attack
- FACEBOOK/Any Mail id HACKED!!!
- More hacking
20. Security
- Facebook/mail Account Security
- WhatsApp Security
- Android phone
- Security
21. Cyber Crime Investigation (Case Study)
- Introduction to Cyber Crime Investigation
- Types of Cyber Crimes
- Report Cyber Crimes
- Investigating Emails (Email Tracing)
- Online email header analysis
- Investigating Phishing Cases
- Investigating Data Theft Cases
- Investigating Facebook Profile Impersonation Cases